FOI release

Real time passenger information at bus stops

Case reference FOI2022/00294

Published 25 March 2022


I understand from the Department for Transport (DfT) that you are the relevant LTA for Herefordshire, in relation to the responsibilities referenced in the National Bus Strategy for England. I also note that you published a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) last year setting out your intended priorities on this front. Please provide the following information:

Q1. The number of bus stops in your LTA area.

Q2. The number (and percentage) of buses operating in your LTA area which have automatic vehicle location (AVL) devices fitted.

Q3. The number of the bus stops in your LTA area which currently have some form of RTPI physically available in that location (on a screen, electronic display board or similar).

Q4. If you do have RTPI available at bus stops in your LTA area, which company / companies supplied the physical hardware?

Q5. Was the hardware purchased by the LTA / operators, or is it leased from a supplier? If it is leased, when is the lease due to expire?

Q6. Is this hardware subject to an ongoing maintenance contract with a supplier and, if so, when is this contract due to end?

Q7. Which IT system is used to feed the real-time data from AVL devices to these RTPI display boards at bus stops?

Q8. Does the LTA have plans to increase the availability of RTPI at bus stops, and if so:

Q8a. Has it been decided whether this will be done with an existing contractor or subject to a new tender / contract?

Q8b. At how many bus stops does it plan to add RTPI in each of the next three years?

Q8c. Is this dependent on the allocation of BSIP / Enhanced Partnerships funding and / or other future funding from the DfT, or will the LTA / bus operators be funding these out of resources which are already agreed as part of funding already secured and / or budget allocations agreed by the LTA / bus operators?

Q8d. Please advise of details, including any provisional allocations of financial resources for the provision of RPTI at bus stops over the next three years.


Q1. 880 marked stops.

Q2. All buses are fitted with AVL; the number of buses is unknown as many are commercial services outside of the council's control.

Q3. 10.

Q4. Journeo.

Q5. Purchased.

Q6. It is managed by Worcestershire Council.

Q7. Trapeze.

Q8a. No decisions have been made at the present time.

Q8b. No decisions have been made at the present time.

Q8c. This will be contingent on future funding opportunities including BSIP funding.

Q8d. 3 installations costing £27.5k in total.


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