FOI release

Home/Domiciliary Care Contract and Rates

Case reference FOI2022/00994

Published 2 August 2022


Under the FOI Act I would like to know for home (domiciliary) Care

Q1. What are the current commissioning arrangements in place (i.e SPOT, framework/dynamic purchasing system)?

Q2. Number of providers that you contract with and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework)

Q3. When do these expire?

Q4. How many home care hours are commissioned per week and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework), if possible please can these be broken down into 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes.

Q5. What is the call off process (i.e how is work awarded)?

Q6. Rates that you pay for care (please state range and average hourly rate)

Q7. If there are any enhancements for 6 please specify (i.e extra for weekends)

Q8. Number of live in packages commissioned- For clarity, the snapshot of active cases as of 30th June.

Q9. Rates that you pay for these?

Q10. Do you have a need for new providers at present?

Q11. Do you have any minimum prerequisites for new providers (please state)

Q12. What is the name and contact details for the lead commissioner, if these cannot be shared how does a provider contact Commissioners for advice and support?

Please answer as of 30th June 2022. If this information is not available for that date, you are welcome to use any other date but please can you specify the date used.


Q1. What are the current commissioning arrangements in place (i.e SPOT, framework/dynamic purchasing system)?


Q2. Number of providers that you contract with and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework)

11, under framework.

Q3. When do these expire?

30 October 2025

Q4. How many home care hours are commissioned per week and under which arrangement (i.e SPOT, framework), if possible please can these be broken down into 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes.

Block Provision: 500 weekly hours

Spot or Contractual: 7052 weekly hours

The Service Area have advised that they are unable to break down this information.

Q5. What is the call off process (i.e how is work awarded)?

Packages go through brokerage by Area

Q6. Rates that you pay for care (please state range and average hourly rate)


60 minute call: £20.00

45 minute call: £15.00

30 minute call: £10.00


60 minute call: £23.00

45 minute call: £17.25

30 minute call: £11.50

Q7. If there are any enhancements for 6 please specify (i.e extra for weekends)

There are no enhancements.

Q8. Number of live in packages commissioned- For clarity, the snapshot of active cases as of 30th June.


Q9. Rates that you pay for these?

The Local Authority does not have a set price point. Rates are negotiated based on individual needs.

Q10. Do you have a need for new providers at present?

Potentially. For more information on doing business with the council, please refer to the Herefordshire Council website at the following link which I trust will be helpful:

Q11. Do you have any minimum prerequisites for new providers (please state)

Not at present. For more information on doing business with the council, please refer to the Herefordshire Council website at the following link which I trust will be helpful:

Q12. What is the name and contact details for the lead commissioner, if these cannot be shared how does a provider contact Commissioners for advice and support?

Name: Ewen Archibald, Service Director


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