FOI release

Home to School Transport under the FOIA

Case reference FOI2022/00750

Published 13 June 2022


We are conducting a research paper on the Home to School transport market within local authorities and councils. The purpose of this report is to take a snapshot in time of how local authorities and councils are managing their Home to School Transportation services and how this compares across the country. If you would like to be notified when the report is online, please answer Yes/No to the last questions.

1. Number of students, split by SEN, Mainstream and other

2. Number of daily return routes, split by SEN, Mainstream and other

3. 2022/23 budget (to the nearest £0.5M)

4. 2022/23 over/underspend (to the nearest £0.5M)

5. Do you have an integrated transport unit or does school transport sit alone

6. Do you fully manage your home to school service or do you contract out the management to another company or to operators

7. What transport management software do you use

8. What is the size of your home to school transport team, split by grade structure (ie, 1 x manager, 2 x principal officers, 10 x officers, 1 x compliance officer, etc)

9. In which directorate does home to school transport sit

10. Do you operate a DPS system or do you allocate certain geographical zones to one or more dedicated operator 11. Would you like to receive notification when the report is published


Q1. Number of students, split by SEN, Mainstream and other


SEN - 407

Mainstream - 2369

Post 16 - 1034

Q2. Number of daily return routes, split by SEN, Mainstream and other


SEN - 89

Mainstream & Post 16 - 125

Q3. 2022/23 budget (to the nearest £0.5M)

A3. Mainstream & Post 16 - ££3M, SEN £2M

Q4. 2022/23 over/underspend (to the nearest £0.5M)

A4. Mainstream & Post 16 £0, SEN £250k

Q5. Do you have an integrated transport unit or does school transport sit alone

A5. Integrated

Q6. Do you fully manage your home to school service or do you contract out the management to another company or to operators

A6. Fully Manage

Q7. What transport management software do you use

A7. Flexiroute

Q8. What is the size of your home to school transport team, split by grade structure (ie, 1 x manager, 2 x principal officers, 10 x officers, 1 x compliance officer, etc)

A8. 0.5 x senior manager, 3 x managers, 5 officers

Q9. In which directorate does home to school transport sit

A9. Economy and Environment

Q10. Do you operate a DPS system or do you allocate certain geographical zones to one or more dedicated operator

A10. DPS

Q11. Would you like to receive notification when the report is published

A11. Yes


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