FOI release

Management systems

Case reference FOI2024/00286

Published 8 March 2024


Corporate website

1. What Content Management Platform is used to manage the Local Authority's corporate website?

2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

3. If an external provider, please provide: a. Name of the provider b. Renewal date for the contract c. Annual support cost

4. Are there plans to review provision of your content management system in the next 12 months?

5. Please provide the name, email and phone of the individual responsible for the content management system within your organisation.

School closures

1. What School Closures system is used by the Local Authority's to report and manage school closures?

2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

3. If an external provider, please provide: a. Name of the provider b. Renewal date for the contract c. Annual support cost

4. Are there plans to review provision of your school closures system in the next 12 months?

5. Please provide the name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for school closures within your organisation.


1. What system is used by the Local Authority's to promote fostering through the Local Authority?

2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

3. If an external provider, please provide: a. Name of the provider b. Renewal date for the contract c. Annual support cost

4. Are there plans to review provision of your fostering site in the next 12 months?

5. Please provide the contact details of the individual responsible for promoting fostering within your organisation.

6. Does the Local Authority use software to make fostering placements?

7. If so, is this developed in house or by an external provider?

8. If an external provider, please provide: a. Name of the provider b. Renewal date for the contract c. Annual support cost

9. Are there plans to review provision of your fostering solution in the next 12 months?

10. Please provide the contact details of the individual responsible for making fostering placements within your organisation.


Corporate website

1. What Content Management Platform is used to manage the Local Authority's corporate website?

A: JADU Continuum

2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

A: External

3. If an external provider, please provide:

a. Name of the provider


b. Renewal date for the contract

A: August 2024 is first break point in the Contract, with a 1+1 option

c. Annual support cost

A: £21000 per annum

4. Are there plans to review provision of your content management system in the next 12 months?

A: Yes

5. Please provide the name, email and phone of the individual responsible for the content management system within your organisation.

A: Amy Pitt - Director of Strategy and Transformation 01432 383758

School closures

1. What School Closures system is used by the Local Authority's to report and manage school closures?

A: Granicus

2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

A: Both - in house development provides data collection for use by an external provided system to deliver the data to the website and delivery tool.

3. If an external provider, please provide:

a. Name of the provider

A: Delivery of subscribed messages go via Granicus GovDelivery

b. Renewal date for the contract

A: 20/10/24

c. Annual support cost

A: £8934.00

4. Are there plans to review provision of your school closures system in the next 12 months?

A: No

5. Please provide the name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for school closures within your organisation.

A: There is no specific owner of school closures process within Herefordshire Council - this developed process allows schools themselves to update the LA of any closures - which then serves a web page and messaging via an opt in subscription. However, Ian Sockett (01432 260919 Business Intelligence Officer, is the primary contact.


1. What system is used by the Local Authority's to promote fostering through the Local Authority?

A: Herefordshire Council's website, Facebook and X and Internal communications.

2. Is this developed in house or by an external provider?

A: In House

3. If an external provider, please provide:

a. Name of the provider

b. Renewal date for the contract

c. Annual support cost

A: N/A

4. Are there plans to review provision of your fostering site in the next 12 months?

A: Yes

5. Please provide the contact details of the individual responsible for promoting fostering within your organisation.

A: Jaswinder McAndrew, Acting Head of Service.

Telephone Number: 01432 383 176

6. Does the Local Authority use software to make fostering placements?

A: Yes, Mosaic and a Placement portal for external placements. The Placements Portal is a portal for a range of external placement sourcing (including Fostering) for children and young people.

7. If so, is this developed in house or by an external provider?

A: Mosaic is developed in house but supported by Access who provide the Mosaic Software. Mosaic is predominantly used to manage individual service users details and manage the payment process relating to those individuals.

The Placement Portal is used to search for a range of placements in children's services including Fostering. It was developed by Anster Holdings around 2010 and is utilised by the 14 West Midlands Local Authorities with Birmingham Children's Trust as lead authority and contract holder.

8. If an external provider, please provide:

a. Name of the provider

A: Anster Holdings

b. Renewal date for the contract

A: Contract will end 31st March 2024

c. Annual support cost

A: £2793 (2023/24)

9. Are there plans to review provision of your fostering solution in the next 12 months?

A: Yes. The current system is due to be replaced from April 2024 for all 14 West Midlands Local Authorities. The Project is nearing completion and being led on our behalf by Birmingham Children's Trust.

10. Please provide the contact details of the individual responsible for making fostering placements within your organisation.

A: At the time of responding to this FOI -

Sara Patel, Interim, Head of Service for Corporate Parenting.

Telephone Number: 01432 383 034

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