FOI release

SEND tribunals and costs

Case reference FOI2022/00037

Published 11 February 2022


Q1. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of appeals made by parents, guardians, or other authorities, against the council's decision on a child's EHCP, from January 2018 - January 2022

Q2. Please provide a monthly budget breakdown of all money spent on SEND tribunals, from January 2018 - January 2022. Please include any relevant or associated costs, for example solicitor costs, in-house solicitor time, associated costs such as SEND team costs including days spent, social care costs including days spent, health costs including days spent, total cost for SEND mediation services, and any additional costs associated with SEND tribunal such as printing and admin time.


Q1. Please see the attached spreadsheet.

Q2. Herefordshire Council do not hold the majority of the information requested. However, on the attached spreadsheet are the yearly costs relating to legal costs of barristers and solicitors, and separately of mediation costs.


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