FOI release

Sutton Walls toxic Monsanto PCB dump

Case reference EIR2023/01092

Published 5 July 2023


Please also confirm when the level of groundwater contamination identified in consultancy reports was last tested.

Please confirm whether and which farms are currently not allowed to use any boreholes, in addition to the site neighbour who is disallowed by Hereford council official communication.


Please also confirm when the level of groundwater contamination identified in consultancy reports was last tested.

A: Groundwater analyses were carried out as part of the site investigation with the last phase being undertaken in 2014. We are unware whether further analyses have been carried out.

Please confirm whether and which farms are currently not allowed to use any boreholes, in addition to the site neighbour who is disallowed by Hereford council official communication.

A: There are current restrictions put in place by Herefordshire Councils Private Water Supply Team at three addresses within 500m of the site advising all consumers not to drink the well water nor use the well water for human consumption.

It is understood that permitting for the extraction of water for agricultural purposes above 20cu.m/day falls to the Environment Agency as lead regulator. Enquiries should also be made with them on this matter.

Please note that the above only relates to those communications known to the Environmental Health Team at Herefordshire Council.


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