FOI release

Environmental complaints concerning traveller sites

Case reference FOI2022/00420

Published 17 May 2022


Please could you provide the following information on socially rented Traveller sites in your local authority area for the five full calendar years between 2017 and 2021. This includes all sites owned and managed by the local authority or by a housing association, but not private sites. For any 'yes' answers, please specify in your answer which site the answer refers to, e.g. 'Mary Street, Bradford', or 'Esholt Site, Bradford'. If you are unable to provide five years of information within the FOI/EIR cost limits, please prioritise 2021 and work backwards in reverse chronological order. 1a. Have you received any environmental complaints from residents or other parties, including council officers, between 2017 and 2021? Please respond with a 'Yes' or 'No' answer for each of the five years. 1b. For any 'Yes' answers, please list how many complaints you received by type for each calendar year. For example: 2017 - Total: 18 - 8 complaints for vermin, 2 from odour from refuse dump, 1 for noise, 3 for insects, 1 for dust, 2 for air pollution, 1 for flooding etc 2a. Between 2017 and 2021, has the council measured air or noise pollution, or taken soil samples to test for contamination? Please respond with a 'Yes' or 'No' answer for each of the five years for air, soil and noise separately. For example: 2017 - Noise pollution - Yes; Soil - No; Air pollution - Yes. 2b. For any 'Yes' answers, please state whether or not pollution or contamination exceeded legal or recommended levels, or was higher than the local authority area average on the site at any point through each year. Please give as much detail as you can, such as the month the breach occurred. For example: 2017 - Noise pollution exceeded legal or recommended levels in March; air pollution exceeded legal level.


1a. Have you received any environmental complaints from residents or other parties, including council officers, between 2017 and 2021? Please respond with a 'Yes' or 'No' answer for each of the five years.

I have been advised that the information prior to 2021 is not recorded.

2021 - Yes

2020 - Yes

1b. For any 'Yes' answers, please list how many complaints you received by type for each calendar year. For example: 2017 - Total: 18 - 8 complaints for vermin, 2 from odour from refuse dump, 1 for noise, 3 for insects, 1 for dust, 2 for air pollution, 1 for flooding etc

I have been advised that the information prior to 2021 is not recorded.

2021 - 1 complaint for general refuse accumulation & rats.

2020 - 3 complaints (1 for noise from quad bikes, and 2 for refuse accumulations/detritus.

2a. Between 2017 and 2021, has the council measured air or noise pollution, or taken soil samples to test for contamination? Please respond with a 'Yes' or 'No' answer for each of the five years for air, soil and noise separately. For example: 2017 - Noise pollution - Yes; Soil - No; Air pollution - Yes.

  • Open Fields Bromyard


Air - No

  • Romany Close, Grafton


Air - No

  • Turnpike Pembridge


Air - No

  • Tinker Corner near Bosbury


Air- No

  • Watery Lane, Lower Bullingham


Air - No

  • Croft Lane,Luston

Soil- No

Air- No

2b. For any 'Yes' answers, please state whether or not pollution or contamination exceeded legal or recommended levels, or was higher than the local authority area average on the site at any point through each year. Please give as much detail as you can, such as the month the breach occurred. For example: 2017 - Noise pollution exceeded legal or recommended levels in March; air pollution exceeded legal level.

  • N/A


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