FOI release

Fee rates for residential care services for adults with learning disabilities

Case reference FOI2022/00236

Published 27 March 2022


Fee rates for residential care services for adults with learning disabilities 1. The method or mechanism which has been adopted by the council to set fee levels for the previous 3 financial years i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and the data on which those calculations were based. 2. Details of the consultation exercise the council has undertaken in connection with fee settings for this type of service in the last 3 years. 3. The council's policies on fee settings for care services for working age adults. 4. Confirmation that the council has taken advantage of the adult social care precept and the % / amount of this which has been allocated to services for working age adults. 5. Number of placements terminated by service providers and / or the council as a result of unsuccessful fee resolution / negotiations for years 2020-21, 2021-22.


1. The method or mechanism which has been adopted by the council to set fee levels for the previous 3 financial years i.e. 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22 and the data on which those calculations were based.

For 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22 fee inflation we have used an agreed mechanism for annual placement fee setting based on a blend of inflationary indices - NLW (National Living Wage) & CPI (Consumer Price Index). The calculated % uplift is applied across all spot purchased care home placements.

2. Details of the consultation exercise the council has undertaken in connection with fee settings for this type of service in the last 3 years.

In line with the contract which states: The Placement Fee shall be reviewed and set by the Authority each year following an open, transparent and robust review and consultation and the decision/outcome shall be advised to Providers.' The council undertake the annual Fee review process which includes; consideration of any annual fee request letters; a fee questionnaire and a small working group with nominated representatives from the adult care home sector. We also take into account the support that the Government and council have provided to support the sector. This included specialist IPC support; training; guidance, free PPE and number of specific grants for example IPC; Lateral Flow Device and Workforce (where the Council also directly contributed its own supportive funding).

3. The council's policies on fee settings for care services for working age adults. -

All learning disability residential placements are individually agreed to meet need. The local authority is testing a costed care plan approach to support this process.

4. Confirmation that the council has taken advantage of the adult social care precept and the % / amount of this which has been allocated to services for working age adults.

Yes, it is contributing to the overall cost of fee uplift inflation for Adult Care Packages.

5. Number of placements terminated by service providers and / or the council as a result of unsuccessful fee resolution / negotiations for years 2020-21, 2021-22. -

The local authority annually reviews packages of care to ensure they meet need. The local authority would seek to promote independence and step down to supported living or less dependent model where ever possible. We are not aware of any decisions made solely on costs which have resulted in a change of placement.


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