FOI release

Water abstractions within 1km of Shell garage, Leominster

Case reference EIR2023/01687

Published 19 October 2023


Any information held by Herefordshire Council relating to water abstractions (groundwater or surface water) within 1km of the following site: Shell- Leominster, Ridgemoor, HR6 0DQ, Herefordshire Council, United Kingdom (Grid reference 350180 (E), 259660 (N))

Please include all details held for any abstractions, including but not limited to:

• Type of abstraction (groundwater/surface water):

• Water Abstraction rates (volumetric):

• Surface water body / groundwater unit abstracted from: • Logs from abstraction boreholes:

• Location of abstraction point (e.g. grid reference):

• Use of abstracted water:

• Any other abstraction details:

• Details of any water quality data held for these abstractions.


Any information held by Herefordshire Council relating to water abstractions (groundwater or surface water) within 1km of the following site: Shell- Leominster, Ridgemoor, HR6 0DQ, Herefordshire Council, United Kingdom (Grid reference 350180 (E), 259660 (N))

Please include all details held for any abstractions, including but not limited to:

• Type of abstraction (groundwater/surface water):

• Water Abstraction rates (volumetric):

• Surface water body / groundwater unit abstracted from: • Logs from abstraction boreholes:

• Location of abstraction point (e.g. grid reference):

• Use of abstracted water:

• Any other abstraction details:

• Details of any water quality data held for these abstractions.

I am advised that the following private groundwater abstractions (from this council's register) are within 1km of the subject site -

Premise Usage Description: Redundant

Easting: 349530

Northing: 259481

Type of source: Well

Please note that the National Grid Reference may be the location of the property, which is not necessarily, in many cases, the same as the water source, which may be located at some distance.

We do not hold any information on abstraction rate, GW unit, logs on abstraction, or water quality records.


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