FOI release

Email Filters

Case reference FOI2024/01254

Received 24 July 2024

Published 25 July 2024


I would like to make the following Freedom of Information request.

1) Does your IT system have a blocker which filters out certain words?

2) Do emails containing these specified words automatically go into a spam folder?

3) If the answer to Q1 is yes, are the following words (or derivatives) filtered: 'sex', 'breast'?

4) If the answer to Q2 is yes, do you have a procedure for checking that communications relating to genuine concerns which include blocked words are not discarded, e.g. breastfeeding support and sexual health?


I would like to make the following Freedom of Information request.

1) Does your IT system have a blocker which filters out certain words?

A)   No.


2) Do emails containing these specified words automatically go into a spam folder?

A)   N/A


3) If the answer to Q1 is yes, are the following words (or derivatives) filtered: 'sex', 'breast'?

A)   N/A


4) If the answer to Q2 is yes, do you have a procedure for checking that communications relating to genuine concerns which include blocked words are not discarded, e.g. breastfeeding support and sexual health?

A)   N/A



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