FOI release

Contract- Website Chatbot with predefined Natural Language Processing

Case reference FOI2022/01340

Published 10 October 2022



Q1. Can you please confirm whether or not this service now 'live'? If yes, please provide a link to the relevant URL (website where it is hosted).

Q2. The 'Procedure Type' is listed as a 'Call-Off from a Framework Agreement'. Please confirm which Framework Agreement was used.

Q3. Please provide the ITT documents that were issued as part of the procurement (i.e. those issued by Hereford Council, and therefore, in the public domain).

Q4. Please confirm whether the contract was awarded via 'Direct Award' or 'Mini Competition'.

Q5. The 'Contract End Date' is listed as 30 December 2023. Is this the end of the 'initial term' or the 'extended term'?

Q6. Does the contract include optional extensions? If yes, how many and for how long?

Q7. Who is the SRO/ Project Sponsor?


Q1. Can you please confirm whether or not this service is now 'live'? If yes, please provide a link to the relevant URL (website where it is hosted).

The contract was terminated as of 31.08.2022 due to a review of our current customer services strategy and digital transformation being undertaken.

Q2. The 'Procedure Type' is listed as a 'Call-Off from a Framework Agreement'. Please confirm which Framework Agreement was used.

The framework agreement used was the CCS G-Cloud 12 Call-Off Agreement (RM1557.12) Lot 2 - Cloud Software.

Q3. Please provide the ITT documents that were issued as part of the procurement (i.e. those issued by Hereford Council, and therefore, in the public domain).

As with all G-Cloud framework agreements, there is a step by step process to appoint a supplier via the Digital Marketplace. The Council sets out its requirements and then uses the information in the online catalogue to evaluate services based upon best fit and/or price. An ITT is not used for this type of call-off as it would breach the terms of the framework.

Q4. Please confirm whether the contract was awarded via 'Direct Award' or 'Mini Competition'.

Awarded via direct award.

Q5. The 'Contract End Date' is listed as 30 December 2023. Is this the end of the 'initial term' or the 'extended term'?

The initial contract term was due to end as of 31.12.2023 with the option to extend for a further 2 years.

Q6. Does the contract include optional extensions? If yes, how many and for how long?

Please see the above response to Question 5.

Q7. Who is the SRO/ Project Sponsor?

Amy Pitt - Service Director Communities, Community Wellbeing.


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