FOI release

Careline Monitoring

Case reference FOI2023/00449

Published 13 March 2023


1. Does your Council provide a Careline/Warden Call service to residents?

If your answer is No, then please return FOI but disregard questions 2-10

2. How many connections (approximately) do you have?

3. Do you use an external provider for Careline monitoring? If so, can you please detail: -

• Name of monitoring centre/ provider with contract start/end date
• Not applicable as council run (disregard questions 5-9 and answer questions 4 & 10 only)

4. Do you have any intention to outsource your Careline monitoring in the next 3 years?

5. What is the annual value of your monitoring contract?

6. What is the 'per connection' charge of your monitoring contract (per week/month/annual as preferred)?

7. Are happy with the performance of your careline monitoring provider?

Feel free to add a comment…

8. What tender framework/ portal does the council use for the procurement of careline monitoring?

9. For your future monitoring services tender, will you include equipment maintenance/upgrades or keep separate?

10. Who is the main person(s)/ decision maker (s) or team - who would be responsible for your Telecare monitoring centre - name/title/direct dial number/email?


1. Does your Council provide a Careline/Warden Call service to residents?

Yes, Herefordshire Council commission a Technology Enabled Living Reactive Call Monitoring Service.

If your answer is No, then please return FOI but disregard questions 2-10

2. How many connections (approximately) do you have?

We currently have 2,232 residents with a lifeline unit connected to the Progress Lifeline call monitoring service.

Please detail…

Dispersed: 2,232

Hardwired (independent living): 0

Hardwired (extra care): 0

3. Do you use an external provider for Careline monitoring? If so, can you please detail: -

• Name of monitoring centre/ provider with contract start/end date
• Not applicable as council run (disregard questions 5-9 and answer questions 4 & 10 only)

Progress Housing Association Limited (Progress Lifeline). The contract runs from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2024, with an option to extend for up to an additional two years (1 year + 1 year).

4. Do you have any intention to outsource your Careline monitoring in the next 3 years?

The council's Technology Enabled Living Reactive Call Monitoring Service and Lone Worker Solution contract is commissioned until March 2024, with an option to extend for up to an additional two years. Therefore, the council will commence a re-tendering process within the next three years.

5. What is the annual value of your monitoring contract?

The estimated annual value for the Technology Enabled Living Reactive Call Monitoring Service is £40,040.

6. What is the 'per connection' charge of your monitoring contract (per week/month/annual as preferred)?

The price per connection, per week, is 0.35 (35p).

7. Are happy with the performance of your careline monitoring provider?


Feel free to add a comment…

8. What tender framework/ portal does the council use for the procurement of careline monitoring?

Northern Housing Consortium.

9. For your future monitoring services tender, will you include equipment maintenance/upgrades or keep separate?

This is currently a separate contract and no decision has been made around combining or keeping the contracts separate.

10. Who is the main person(s)/ decision maker (s) or team - who would be responsible for your Telecare monitoring centre - name/title/direct dial number/email?

Sharon Amery (Senior Commissioning Officer)

01432 383734 /


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