FOI release

school attendance/missed education policies

Case reference FOI2023/01320

Published 14 August 2023


Copies of the LA policies and procedures on supporting school attendance.

The names of the School Inclusion Officers

The details of any School Attendance Support Team Officers

Details of the Children Missing from Education Panel (CMfE) members and how it should operate


Copies of the LA policies and procedures on supporting school attendance.

A: Policy will be in place for September 2023 as per the non statutory DfE Guidance - 'Working together to improve attendance'.

The names of the School Inclusion Officers

A: The role of School Inclusion Officer is currently vacant and due to be filled in September 2023. Since the 17th April 2023 Niall Crawford has been the line manager for School Inclusion Officers. Each school has their own education welfare/ attendance process and staff.

The details of any School Attendance Support Team Officers

A: As above, No team currently, it will be in place for September 2023 as per the DfE guidance 'Working together to improve attendance'

Details of the Children Missing from Education Panel (CMfE) members and how it should operate

A: Herefordshire have a children missing in education panel for children who are on roll but who have low attendance, operational details are below.

Children Missing in Education (CMIE) Panel

Criteria: Attendance Level is below 50%

Primary Responsibility: Schools -

The CMIE panel is a solutions focused professionals meeting chaired by the local authority that seeks to draw on the expertise of all partners. The purpose of the panel is to review the interventions that have occurred and to look at where alternative interventions may be accessed. The panel is not a referral group and no panel member will be asked to directly work with the young person as a result of the case being discussed.

• Meetings are held monthly and will be for 2 hours, a maximum of 20 cases will be discussed per meeting.

• Year 11 students will only be discussed prior to the Christmas break

• Where possible each case will have an allotted time slot and schools/ social care / involved agencies will be invited to attend for that time slot

• In addition to panel members directly involved in each case the LA Panel representatives can include

o Representatives of LA SEN team

o Representatives of LA EP team

o Representatives of LA inclusion team

o Representatives of LA admissions team

o Representatives of LA Education MASH team

o External agencies as appropriate


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