FOI release

Contested history in council areas

Case reference FOI2023/00055

Published 3 February 2023


I am interested in issues of race in the built environment.

For the last year up to date, but inclusive of information and documents from work which may have begun before this period and is still being pursued by the council.

(For example, a project to identify monument may have begun in 2020, but the list compiled from this project may still be used by the council now)

1. Could you please provide any list or review/research/report/survey of locations (streets/buildings/parks), or public art (such as statues), plaques, commemorations, graves, memorials that the council has produced in relation to slavery, colonialism, empire/British Empire, racism, white supremacy, Black Lives Matter, decolonising, racial justice.

In question form: "What in the built environment has the organisation, or a group working on its behalf, identified as being linked to racism, slavery, colonialism: that is, contested history?"

2. Could you please provide details of what being done to highlight, reinterpret, re-display, or rename aspects of the environment in the council area identifying in part 1 of this request

In question form: "What work (such as adding interpretation, or information boards, or plaques close to contested monuments) has been undertaken by the council to address these legacies?

3. If applicable, can you please provide information on what is being done to address issues of slavery, colonialism, empire/British Empire, racism, white supremacy, Black Lives Matter, decolonising, racial justice in council museums?

For example, what information boards have been added, what has been taken off display or put on display, what new plaques have been erected?

4. The same as for part 3, but can you provide information on how council libraries have addressed these issues.

For example, have any books been specifically banned or removed from the library? Has a system of trigger warnings been established for sensitive topics?

(This can be broad, I do not need an full check of all items in the library; please do not get bogged won in this if it is likely to go over the limit).

5. For the above work to address contested history, can you please provide information any grants received by the council to pursue this work, or any payments or grants made by the council to pursue this work (for example, to a local anti-racism group tasked with identifying contested history).

6. Can you provide information on any schools in the council area that have applied to change their name in relation to issues of contested history.


I am interested in issues of race in the built environment.

For the last year up to date, but inclusive of information and documents from work which may have begun before this period and is still being pursued by the council.

(For example, a project to identify monument may have begun in 2020, but the list compiled from this project may still be used by the council now)

1. Could you please provide any list or review/research/report/survey of locations (streets/buildings/parks), or public art (such as statues), plaques, commemorations, graves, memorials that the council has produced in relation to slavery, colonialism, empire/British Empire, racism, white supremacy, Black Lives Matter, decolonising, racial justice.

In question form: "What in the built environment has the organisation, or a group working on its behalf, identified as being linked to racism, slavery, colonialism: that is, contested history?"

Nothing in the built environment has been identified as being linked to racism, slavery, colonialism or contested history in the last year to date. The council did carry out a review in 2020 and a briefing note was prepared for Cabinet in July 2020 relating to possible Herefordshire connections with the slave trade.

2. Could you please provide details of what being done to highlight, reinterpret, re-display, or rename aspects of the environment in the council area identifying in part 1 of this request

In question form: "What work (such as adding interpretation, or information boards, or plaques close to contested monuments) has been undertaken by the council to address these legacies?

It was determined that no further action was required, and nothing further has been carried out in the last year to date.

3. If applicable, can you please provide information on what is being done to address issues of slavery, colonialism, empire/British Empire, racism, white supremacy, Black Lives Matter, decolonising, racial justice in council museums?

For example, what information boards have been added, what has been taken off display or put on display, what new plaques have been erected?

An exhibition about Slavery in its widest historical and contemporary sense and Herefordshire's links to the Trans Atlantic Slave trade was created in 2007 for our Mobile museum that toured schools and community centre in Herefordshire. The text panels from this exhibition, numbering 15 panels, have been displayed and used since 2007/08 , most recently at the Herefordshire Archives Centre (HARC) in 2022.

Community and schools Loans boxes about slavery were created in 2012.

The Museum collections team have searched through the museum collections to identify items directly linked to colonisation and continue to consider decolonisation during their work. Further research during the museum refurbishment project should uncover histories that may hold relevant stories, such as linked to the colonial past, racial injustice, religious persecution and contested histories. The museum redisplay should redress any imbalance of interpretation and histories an embody co-creation and co-interpretation within its ethos.

Some old labels on objects and object descriptions in the stores are recognised as containing unsuitable interpretation. Public exhibition captions and information are checked for suitability.

4. The same as for part 3, but can you provide information on how council libraries have addressed these issues.

For example, have any books been specifically banned or removed from the library? Has a system of trigger warnings been established for sensitive topics?

(This can be broad, I do not need an full check of all items in the library; please do not get bogged won in this if it is likely to go over the limit).

With regard to libraries there have been no specific actions taken - there are no titles we have removed or banned. The council is not aware of any historic documents or special collections in the library service related to slavery or colonialism. Our stock is refreshed and edited on an ongoing basis. We're mindful of changing and outdated language and attitudes, and we always try to support and reflect diversity in our stock and physical and online displays. Not only during specific promotions like Black History Month or Pride Week, but in all topics throughout the year.

5. For the above work to address contested history, can you please provide information any grants received by the council to pursue this work, or any payments or grants made by the council to pursue this work (for example, to a local anti-racism group tasked with identifying contested history).


6. Can you provide information on any schools in the council area that have applied to change their name in relation to issues of contested history.

No schools have applied to change their name.


There are no documents for this release.

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