FOI release

Elections - Voter Authority Certificates, polling stations staff training

Case reference FOI2023/00355

Published 6 March 2023


1. How many Voter Authority Certificates (VACs) has the council issued, how many applications has it rejected, and what is the demographic profile of those applications, both accepted and rejected?

2. Can you confirm that the Chief Executive, acting in their role as the Returning Officer, and/or the Elections Department of your council, has received guidance from the Electoral Commission and/or the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities about implementing the new voter ID legislation for the May 4th elections?

3. Can you confirm a) all polling station staff have been trained on implementing the new processes and if so, b) what that training has entailed.

4. Can you confirm whether the Chief Executive, in their role as Returning Officer, has presented a report on preparedness for the Voter ID requirements to the full council or any other appropriate committee of the council? Has this included a risk assessment and mitigation plan? (If yes, please can you supply a copy of that report?)

5. Can you confirm whether an audit has been undertaken of all proposed polling stations to identify a private room for those people who, for whatever reason, cover their face in public? What was the outcome of this audit if it has happened? (For example, have any polling stations been found to be unsuitable, and if so, how many?)

6. Has the council undertaken a public information campaign to inform voters about the new Voter ID requirements?


How many Voter Authority Certificates (VACs) has the council issued, how many applications has it rejected, and what is the demographic profile of those applications, both accepted and rejected?

A: An application for a Voter Authority Certificate (VAC) is made to the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) and not the council (in accordance with Section 13BD (2) of the Representation of the People Act 1983). The Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) have confirmed that 'issued' requires the VAC be printed by the government contracted printer once determined by the ERO. Therefore, the council has not issued or rejected any VACs as it is not within their remit to

There is no requirement on EROs to record how many VACs they have issued or applications they have rejected

You can view the Gov.UK VAC performance dashboard that provides applications data since the system went live on 16 January 2023. The information isn't broken down into local authority area but does provide an overall breakdown by age group.

There is no requirement on EROs to record the demographic profile of applications.

Can you confirm that the Chief Executive, acting in their role as the Returning Officer, and/or the Elections Department of your council, has received guidance from the Electoral Commission and/or the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities about implementing the new voter ID legislation for the May 4th elections?

A: Yes we have received guidance from Electoral Commission which can be accessed via their website for ERO's and RO's

Can you confirm a) all polling station staff have been trained on implementing the new processes and if so, b) what that training has entailed.

A: Training will take place in the coming weeks and will cover all aspects of each role, including but not limited to new Voter ID and accessibility requirements

Can you confirm whether the Chief Executive, in their role as Returning Officer, has presented a report on preparedness for the Voter ID requirements to the full council or any other appropriate committee of the council? Has this included a risk assessment and mitigation plan? (If yes, please can you supply a copy of that report?)

A: No report was taken to Full Council or any committee. A document was sent to the CE and Ward Members which explained the new parts of the legislation coming into force.

Can you confirm whether an audit has been undertaken of all proposed polling stations to identify a private room for those people who, for whatever reason, cover their face in public? What was the outcome of this audit if it has happened? (For example, have any polling stations been found to be unsuitable, and if so, how many?)

A: Legislation requires RO's to ensure each polling station contains an area in which voters can produce proof of ID in private. Therefore there is no requirement to provide a private room, simply a private area, which we have accessed for each of our polling stations to allow any elector to request to have their photo ID checked in private.

Has the council undertaken a public information campaign to inform voters about the new Voter ID requirements?

A: The Council are undertaking a local campaign in conjunction with the national campaign.


There are no documents for this release.

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