FOI release

Resettlement data as of 13th May 2022 - Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme/Ukraine Family Visa Scheme/Homes for Ukraine Scheme

Case reference FOI2022/00640

Published 31 May 2022


Q1. How many people have been permanently resettled under the Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme as of Friday 13 May 2022 in your council area? Please indicate how many were over and under 18 at the time of arrival if known.

Q2a. How many people have relocated to your council area under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme as of Friday 13th May 2022?

Q2b. How much additional funding has your council received from central government to support people on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme as of Friday 13th May 2022?

Q3. How many people have relocated to your council area under the Ukraine Family Visa Scheme as of Friday 13th May 2022?


Q1. How many people have been permanently resettled under the Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme as of Friday 13 May 2022 in your council area? Please indicate how many were over and under 18 at the time of arrival if known.

No people have been resettled to Herefordshire under the Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme in that period.

Q2a. How many people have relocated to your council area under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme as of Friday 13th May 2022?

As of Friday 13 May 2022 we were aware of 145 people that had arrived into Herefordshire under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme.

Q2b. How much additional funding has your council received from central government to support people on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme as of Friday 13th May 2022?

To date, no additional funding has been received. However, details of funding to be provided can be located on the government website via the following link:,and%20fully%20integrate%20into%20communities

Q3. How many people have relocated to your council area under the Ukraine Family Visa Scheme as of Friday 13th May 2022?

The Ukraine Family Visa Scheme is managed nationally by the Home Office who publish the latest data on applications to come to or stay in the UK under the Ukraine Family Scheme or Homes for Ukraine. Herefordshire council does not receive government data on the number of people coming to its area under the family visa scheme. The government data includes totals for visa applications received and visas issued to people. This data can be located on the government website via the following link:


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