FOI release

Sufficiency of Early Years places

Case reference FOI2023/00198

Published 15 February 2023


1. Over the last 12 months (or most up-to-date 12-month period which you have date for), has your local authority had sufficient early years places to meet local demand?

2. Do you collect data or information on what proportion of parents and carers in your area who are accessing formal early education and childcare are able to access:

a) the quantity of early years provision that they would like to (e.g. if they need three full days a week of early years provision, whether or not they are able to access three full days or can only access, for example, two). If so, please provide the most recent data.

b) early years provision on the specific times and dates that they want (e.g. if they want Mondays and Tuesdays, are they able to access Monday and Tuesdays or have they had to settle for, for example, Mondays and Wednesdays). If so, please provide the most recent data.

c) early education and childcare at their first choice early years setting? If so, please provide the most recent data.

3. Do you collect data or information or whether or not parents and carers of children with SEND in your local area are able to access:

a) the quantity of early years provision that they would like to. If so, please provide the most recent data.

b) early years provision on the specific times and dates that they want. If so, please provide the most recent data.

c) early education and childcare at their first choice early years setting? If so, please provide the most recent data.


1. Over the last 12 months (or most up-to-date 12-month period which you have date for), has your local authority had sufficient early years places to meet local demand?


2. Do you collect data or information on what proportion of parents and carers in your area who are accessing formal early education and childcare are able to access:

a) the quantity of early years provision that they would like to (e.g. if they need three full days a week of early years provision, whether or not they are able to access three full days or can only access, for example, two). If so, please provide the most recent data.


b) early years provision on the specific times and dates that they want (e.g. if they want Mondays and Tuesdays, are they able to access Monday and Tuesdays or have they had to settle for, for example, Mondays and Wednesdays). If so, please provide the most recent data.


c) early education and childcare at their first choice early years setting? If so, please provide the most recent data.


3. Do you collect data or information or whether or not parents and carers of children with SEND in your local area are able to access:

a) the quantity of early years provision that they would like to. If so, please provide the most recent data.


b) early years provision on the specific times and dates that they want. If so, please provide the most recent data.


c) early education and childcare at their first choice early years setting? If so, please provide the most recent data.



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