FOI release

Smart energy meters installed in public buildings

Case reference FOI2022/01868

Published 13 January 2023


1. How many public buildings in your council had working smart energy meters installed on the premises?

- Please provide the data split by property type

- If available, please provide the date/year the smart energy meters were installed

- If available, please provide any available data on when smart energy meters are planned to be installed on the premises which don't already have them


1. How many public buildings in your council had working smart energy meters installed on the premises?


- Please provide the data split by property type

Corporate - 137

Council Schools 105

- If available, please provide the date/year the smart energy meters were installed

Please see attached spreadsheet.

- If available, please provide any available data on when smart energy meters are planned to be installed on the premises which don't already have them.

We have a rolling programme to replace non AMR meters as soon as possible, in some cases we have identified customer works that are required before this can take place eg asbestos removal.


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