FOI release

Self build register

Case reference FOI2021/00302

Published 19 January 2022


Your Annual Monitoring Report 2018, section 4, last bullet point states: "Consulting with HMRC to monitor the number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme." Please would you send this information also

3a, Number granted permissions? List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

3b, Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

3c, Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

3d, Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

3e Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?

3f Number granted permissions List of application numbers. Number of claims under Self-build and custom build are on the VAT exemption scheme?


In response to the above questions, I am advised that the reference to consulting with HMRC was identified as a possible way of monitoring self and custom builds in the future. Contact was made with HMRC in order to see if it was possible to identify self builds in this way. However, unfortunately, it was not possible to receive this information from HMRC. Therefore the information requested is not held.

Following on from this we continued to consider other ways of monitoring self and custom builds and moved to the following approach which is outlined on our web-page at

"For monitoring purposes, we count plots:

  • With planning permission that have self or custom build in their description, and
  • Those identifying the proposal as self-build on the housing type section of the planning application form.
  • Where there is evidence in the design and access statement / planning statement / other supporting information or correspondence relating to the planning application.
  • Known to planning officers from discussion with agent and / or applicant.
  • Building plots for sale with outline planning permission that provide an opportunity for self and custom house builders to design their home to their own specifications through reserved matters. They are sometimes advertised as opportunity for self- builders".


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