FOI release

Hereford Southern Link Road and Western Bypass details

This request was refused in full, so we didn't provide the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference EIR2024/00551

Published 22 April 2024


Detailed plans and proposals and consultation evidence for the proposed ned Hereford Southern Link Road and Western Bypass - including route maps and if any compulsory purchases will be made.


Detailed plans and proposals and consultation evidence for the proposed ned Hereford Southern Link Road and Western Bypass - including route maps and if any compulsory purchases will be made.

A: This information is publically available and published on Herefordshire Council's website, and can be viewed via the various links as outlined below.

As such we consider this information to be excepted under Regulation 6 of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 because this is available to you via other means.

The last public consultation concerning the priorities for a transport strategy for Hereford is included on p18 of the Hereford Transport Strategy Review, showing strong support for reducing congestion, improving traffic flows and more reliable journey times, and the need to increase capacity and provide a second river crossing - Question today imagine tomorrow create for the future (

Land required for the construction of the scheme will be acquired through negotiation wherever possible, but the Council will seek powers through Compulsory Purchase Orders if necessary.

Plans for the two elements of the Hereford Western Bypass - Phases 1 and 2 - can be found in the report to Cabinet on 28th March 2024 HC Global Template (

The plan for the Southern Link Road, for which planning permission was approved, is found here documents ( and the full application is here: Planning Search - Herefordshire Council. The reports on public consultation on the various package measures are found as items 69 to 73 inclusive.

Cabinet considered public consultation feedback on the South Wye Transport Package at its meeting on Thursday 14th December 2017 - South Wye Transport Package - Active Travel Measures main report.pdf (

Cabinet considered the options for the western bypass, including the results of public consultation, at its meeting on 27th July 2018, found here as item 6; Agenda for Cabinet on Friday 27 July 2018, 10.00 am - Herefordshire Council.

Cabinet previously considered the Hereford Transport Package Options Consultation at its meeting on Thursday 18 January 2018 - Hereford Transport Package HTP Options Consultation Phase 2.pdf (


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