FOI release

Domestic Homicide Reviews: 13th April 2011 - 31st December 2021

Case reference FOI2022/00226

Published 18 March 2022


I am writing to request details of Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) within your authority.

As stated by the Domestic Homicide Review statutory guidance, section 80: "In all cases, the overview report and executive summary should be suitably anonymised and made publicly available...The key purpose for undertaking DHRs is to enable lessons to be learned from homicides where a person is killed as a result of domestic violence and abuse."

As such, I am requesting information that is intended to be in the public domain. I would like to request:

Q1. All executive summaries and overview reports concerning Domestic Homicide Reviews for your local authority for the period 13th April 2011 (when the DHR process was established under the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act, 2004) to 31st December 2021. I request a link to the website where these can be found, and where the complete set of DHRs are not currently available on the local authority website, a PDF of the relevant document(s).

Q2. The number of Domestic Homicide Reviews that have been deemed to remain unpublished from 13th April 2011 until 31st December 2021 within the local authority.

Q3. The number of Domestic Homicide Reviews within the local authority for which technology-facilitated domestic abuse has been identified within the overview and/or executive summaries.

Q4. The number of Domestic Homicide Reviews that have taken place each year in your local authority since the DHR process was established under the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004) on 13th April 2011 until 31st December 2021.


Q1. All currently completed and published Herefordshire DHR's are available at the following link:

Q2. 2

Q3. 0


2011 = 0

2012 = 1

2013 = 0

2014 = 3

2015 = 0

2016 = 0

2017 = 0

2018 = 2

2019 = 0

2020 = 0

2021 = 2


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