FOI release

Bus routes and services as of January 2024

Case reference FOI2024/00044

Published 11 January 2024


In your role as a Local Transport Authority, would you be able to answer the following please:

Ÿ How many bus routes are operated in your area as of January 2024?

Ÿ Has that number reduced or increased since January 2023?

Ÿ If so, by how many?

Ÿ Has the number of services on those routes been reduced or increased since January 2023?

Ÿ If so, by how many?


In your role as a Local Transport Authority, would you be able to answer the following please:

Ÿ How many bus routes are operated in your area as of January 2024?

A) 91

Ÿ Has that number reduced or increased since January 2023?

A) Increased

Ÿ If so, by how many?

A) 1

Ÿ Has the number of services on those routes been reduced or increased since January 2023?

A) N/A

Ÿ If so, by how many?

A) N/A


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