FOI release

New Barns kennel licensing

Case reference FOI2022/01762

Published 20 January 2023


Under The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 you will have recently received an application for a licence to provide or arrange for the provision of boarding for dogs from Richard Evans for New Barns Kennels, Norton, Bromyard. Can you please kindly provide the following information:

1. Confirm that Mr. Richard Evans is the Licence holder.

2. Date that his latest application was made.

3. Number of years that he has requested for the licence to run.

4. Number of dogs that he has asked to be accommodated for in years 2021, 2022 and 2023.

5. On the application form (3.12) it asks "how do you propose to minimise disturbance from noise?" What is the response?

6.On the application form (8.1) it asks "additional information which is required or may be relevant to the application" What is the response?

7. Since the new kennel block has been opened at New Barns kennels what grades has the kennels achieved upon LA inspections.

8. Provide a brief description of your grading system for explanation of question 7.


Under The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 you will have recently received an application for a licence to provide or arrange for the provision of boarding for dogs from Richard Evans for New Barns Kennels, Norton, Bromyard. Can you please kindly provide the following information:

1. Confirm that Mr. Richard Evans is the Licence holder.


2. Date that his latest application was made.

20 January 2022

3. Number of years that he has requested for the licence to run.

2 years

4. Number of dogs that he has asked to be accommodated for in years 2021, 2022 and 2023.

2021 - 60

2022 - 60

2023 - 60

5. On the application form (3.12) it asks "how do you propose to minimise disturbance from noise?" What is the response?

"Well exercised dogs. Acoustic mesh"

6.On the application form (8.1) it asks "additional information which is required or may be relevant to the application" What is the response?


7. Since the new kennel block has been opened at New Barns kennels what grades has the kennels achieved upon LA inspections.

2019-2020 - 1*, Higher Risk, 1 year licence

2020-2021 - 1*, Higher Risk, 1 year licence

2021-2022 - 1*, Higher Risk, 1 year licence

2022-2024 - 3*, Low Risk, 2 year licence

8. Provide a brief description of your grading system for explanation of question 7.

The premises are risk-rated during the inspection and the following information regarding our Scoring Matrix is available on the council website Animal activity licences - Herefordshire Council.

DEFRA has produced mandatory conditions and associated guidance for each licensable activity. These are divided into two categories - general conditions (stipulated in Schedule 2) and specific conditions from the associated Schedule of the Regulations.

The requirements of all the mandatory conditions need to be met to reach the minimum standards. Although in existing licensed premises minor failings may be noted or recorded providing they do not compromise the welfare of the animals (these would be predominantly administrative in nature).

In addition, each licensable activity (with the exception of the keeping or training animals for exhibition) also has further optional conditions for "higher standards".


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