FOI release

Services available to older residents

Case reference FOI2023/00556

Published 20 April 2023


We are seeking information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to enhance our understanding of the services available to older residents within your council's jurisdiction.

Please provide information on the contracts your council currently commissions for the following services:

For each service, please provide the following information:

a. Name of the service provider

b. The estimated expiry date/ month for the current contract

Dementia Support

Hospital Discharge

Social Prescribing

Information and Advice Services


Carers Support

End of Life Care

Community Champions / Wellbeing Coordinators

Elderly Day Centre


Footcare/toenail cutting

Non-Emergency Patient Transport

Bereavement Support

Digital Inclusion


We are seeking information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to enhance our understanding of the services available to older residents within your council's jurisdiction.

Please provide information on the contracts your council currently commissions for the following services:

For each service, please provide the following information:

a. Name of the service provider

b. The estimated expiry date/ month for the current contract

Dementia Support

We do not commission this service.

Hospital Discharge

Only Commission a pilot project.

Service ProviderEstimated expiry date/month for the current contract

Age UK August 31st 2023

(Herefordshire and Worcestershire)

Social Prescribing

We do not commission this service.

Information and Advice Services

We do not commission this service.


Service ProviderEstimated expiry date/month for the current contract

Onside Advocacy Contract ends July 2026

Carers Support

Service ProviderEstimated expiry date/month for the current contract

East Midlands Crossroads-Caring March 31 2024

(trading as Tuvida)

End of Life Care

We do not commission this service.

Community Champions / Wellbeing Coordinators

We do not commission this service.

Elderly Day Centre

Service ProviderEstimated expiry date/month for the current contract

Shaw Healthcare (Day Services) 31/07/2029

Mortimer Care Open ended contract

Wykenhurst Garden Room Open ended contract


We do not commission this service.

Footcare/toenail cutting

We do not commission this service.

Non-Emergency Patient Transport

We do not commission non-emergency patient transport.

Bereavement Support

We do not commission this service.

Digital Inclusion

We do not commission this service.


There are no documents for this release.

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