FOI release

Road Maintenance in Herefordshire

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/00100

Published 14 February 2024


Could you please share information about the following:

What is the length of your asphalt paved roads? Could you give an estimate of the annual budget for resurfacing/maintaining them?

How often is the road and related asset condition assessed? When was the last time a report on the road surface quality was conducted?

Do you use a Pavement Management System (PMS), and/or other tools to make planning and coordination easy?

Do you have a full and comprehensive inventory of all the road assets (road signs, light poles, etc.) that the municipality owns such as location, condition, etc?

How many insurance cases were reported about car and bicycle damages/accidents last year due to the road condition?

How many reports or requests to fix road infrastructure damages did you receive from citizens concerning your roads last year?

If there are publicly available reports or documents with this information please share them.


Could you please share information about the following:

What is the length of your asphalt paved roads? Could you give an estimate of the annual budget for resurfacing/maintaining them?


Based on the Annual Plan build up for 2023/24 the budget available for Carriageway resurfacing/maintenance is £4,870,452.52.

This includes: Resurfacing, surface dressing, routine/reactive and spray injection repairs based on the Annual Plan baseline budget.

How often is the road and related asset condition assessed? When was the last time a report on the road surface quality was conducted?

The Highways Maintenance Plan identifies specification for highway safety inspections together with undertaking SCRIM Surveys on the network. In addition, the network's A, B and C roads are subject to SCANNER surveys (A and B Roads in one direction annually and the C Roads on a three year cycle) and Vaisala Rod AI is deployed on the unclassified road network on a two year cycle.

The Highways Maintenance Plan is publically available on Herefordshire Council's website and can be viewed via the following link:

As such we consider this information to be exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 because it is reasonably accessible to you via other means. Please take this letter as a refusal notice under S17 of the Act.

Do you use a Pavement Management System (PMS), and/or other tools to make planning and coordination easy?


Do you have a full and comprehensive inventory of all the road assets (road signs, light poles, etc.) that the municipality owns such as location, condition, etc?

Yes, although in some cases the detail of condition is lacking as this is collected where there is an operational requirement. This is not the case for reactively maintained assets. We update the data wherever possible.

How many insurance cases were reported about car and bicycle damages/accidents last year due to the road condition?


How many reports or requests to fix road infrastructure damages did you receive from citizens concerning your roads last year?

Please see the attached spreadsheet.

If there are publicly available reports or documents with this information please share them.

Information is available on Herefordshire Council website using the links below, information is also available on the Highway Maintenance Plan the link to this has been provided above.

Highway investment, link:

Asset Lifecycle Plans:

Transport Asset Management Plan:


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