FOI release

Supporting documents for the Tender for the provision of Herefordshire 20MPH Policy

Case reference FOI2023/01937

Published 18 January 2024


Regarding the tender document for the "Invitation to Tender for the provision of Herefordshire 20MPH Policy" (Opportunity ID: DN699122) that is listed on the Proactis website:

If there is any feasibility study, proposals, or research behind this tender and policy, I would greatly appreciate receiving those supporting documents.

For clarification please proceed with the request for information. The following request is still relevant with regard to the 20mph policy.


Regarding the tender document for the "Invitation to Tender for the provision of Herefordshire 20MPH Policy" (Opportunity ID: DN699122) that is listed on the Proactis website:

If there is any feasibility study, proposals, or research behind this tender and policy, I would greatly appreciate receiving those supporting documents.

For clarification please proceed with the request for information. The following request is still relevant with regard to the 20mph policy.

Herefordshire Council has not undertaken a 20MPH feasibility study. The purpose of the tender which has now been cancelled, was to seek support in researching and analysing national data in order to inform a countywide policy.

We have attached a 20mph Research Study (2018) commissioned by the Department for Transport, however this is written with a National context.


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