FOI release

Current mobile phone service provider

Case reference FOI2023/00360

Published 22 March 2023


Current Mobile Phone Service Provider

Contact end dates

Number of Mobile connections/Value

Local Area Networks (LAN)

Unified Communications and Cloud Telephony

Cloud/Data Centre Provision

Contact Centre

Wide-Area Networks (WAN)

IP Telephony

For each of the contracts, please could you provide the following details where available:

Contract Title;

Contract Description; Supplier(s);

Total Contract Value;

Annual Contract Value;

Contract Start Date;

Contract End Date;

Procedure Type used to Purchase Contract (If bought through a framework, please name the framework).


Current Mobile Phone Service Provider


Contact end dates

4 October 2023

Number of Mobile connections/Value

x1,476 - Total contract cost is circa £380,000

Local Area Networks (LAN)

Not applicable

Unified Communications and Cloud Telephony

Unified Communications sits within the IP telephony contract with Cisco (please see details below). Cloud telephony is not applicable

Cloud/Data Centre Provision

Not applicable

Contact Centre

The Answering Service, contract expiry 30 Mar 25 inc extension - total contract cost circa £35,000

Wide-Area Networks (WAN)

MLL, contract expiry 11 Jan 25 - total contract cost circa £1.6 million

IP Telephony

Cisco, contract expiry 12 Mar 25 inc extensions - total contract cost circa £332,000

For each of the contracts, please could you provide the following details where available:

Contract Title;

Please see above

Contract Description; Supplier(s);

Please see above

Total Contract Value;

Please see above

Annual Contract Value;

Please see above

Contract Start Date;

Please see above

Contract End Date;

Please see above

Procedure Type used to Purchase Contract (If bought through a framework, please name the framework).

All procurements are run through a framework (CCS frameworks are the most popular) or via a procurement process in accordance with local contract procedure rules and national legislation (when applicable).


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