FOI release

New Road Markings - Knapp Pitch and Church Pitch at Goodrich

Case reference FOI2023/00395

Published 30 March 2023


Please can you inform me why this was changed and under what legislation, with the appropriate notice and advertisement periods, this was carried out under.


I am advised that the reason for this change was due to the number of incidents reported with large vehicles driving down over Church Pitch (which is a narrow, winding and steep lane) and getting stuck for considerable lengths of time, needing vehicle recovery. This was predominantly an issue with HGV's.

The junction arrangement was changed so the priority route was to continue along Knapp Lane, rather than Church Pitch, in an attempt to alleviate the issues of the large vehicles being stuck. Knapp Lane is suitable as larger agricultural vehicles already currently use the route.

The junction markings do not require any form of Traffic Regulation Order, do not require advertisement or consultation with residents or businesses, however this was discussed, designed and circulated with the agreement of Goodrich Parish Council.

Unsuitable for HGV signs have also been erected around the area to try and alleviate the use of the lane, with the change of junction priority arrangement complimenting the scheme to send HGV's along a more suitable route, should they wish to ignore or miss the signage in place.


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