FOI release

Parking fines issued by month in 2021

Case reference FOI2022/00378

Published 14 April 2022


1. How many parking penalty charge notices (PCNs) did your organisation issue from January 1st to December 31st 2021? 2. What was the combined value, in £, of the parking fines your organisation gave out from January 1st to December 31st 2021, broken down by month? 3. How many staff were responsible for issuing parking fines for your organisation from January1st to December 31st 2021?


1. How many parking penalty charge notices (PCNs) did your organisation issue from January 1st to December 31st 2021? -


2. What was the combined value, in £, of the parking fines your organisation gave out from January 1st to December 31st 2021, broken down by month?

January 2021 - 33,446

February 2021 - 34,354

March 2021 - 42,739

April 2021 - 39,985

May 2021 - 49,552

June 2021 - 45,219

July 2021 - 47,559

August 2021 - 50,271

September 2021 - 50,615

October 2021 - 49,703

November 2021 - 54,701

December 2021 - 49,005

3. How many staff were responsible for issuing parking fines for your organisation from January1st to December 31st 2021? -



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