FOI release

Parking machines & apps and revenue 2022/23

Case reference FOI2023/01410

Published 8 September 2023


Q1 - Who is the Parking Manager at the local authority?

Q2 - who is the current supplier of your Pay & Display Machines?

Q3 - How many Pay & Display machines do you currently have?

Q4 - How many machines accept Contactless payments?

Q5 - Who is your current supplier of your Enforcement Software (eg Chipside, Imperial, Condulent etc.)?

Q6 - Have any decisions been made to remove any Parking machines in the next 2 years and do you know how many, if the answer is yes (2023-2025)?

Cashless Parking /Mobile parking App

Q9 - Do you have a Mobile Parking app?

Q10 - Who is your current Mobile Parking Supplier/Suppliers?

Q11 - Which year did you award your current contract/s to your App supplier/s?

Q12 - When is your current Mobile parking App Due to expire?

Q13 - Is there a convenience charge to the end user for paying by App? If so, please specify the charge?

Q14 missing off request

Parking Revenue/Transactions (Financial Year 2022 - 2023)

Q15 - What was the Total Parking revenue for the last financial year (2022 - 2023)?

Q16 - What was the annual revenue from PCN's issued during that financial year?

Q17 - What was the annual revenue from Pay and Display Machines (2022-2023)?

Q18 - What is the a) Total coin Revenue and b) total card revenue (2022 - 2023)?

Q19 - What was the annual revenue from the cashless Mobile parking App (2022 - 2023)?

Q20 - How many transactions were made at the Pay & display Machines (2022 - 2023)?

Q21 - How many transactions were made via Mobile Parking App in 2022 - 2023

Q22 - How many PCN's were issued in 2022 - 2023


Q1 - Who is the Parking Manager at the local authority?

A: James Hughes

Q2 - who is the current supplier of your Pay & Display Machines?

A: Metric

Q3 - How many Pay & Display machines do you currently have?

A: 83

Q4 - How many machines accept Contactless payments?

A: 64

Q5 - Who is your current supplier of your Enforcement Software (eg Chipside, Imperial, Condulent etc.)?

A: Chipside

Q6 - Have any decisions been made to remove any Parking machines in the next 2 years and do you know how many, if the answer is yes (2023-2025)?

A: No

Cashless Parking /Mobile parking App

Q9 - Do you have a Mobile Parking app?

A: Yes

Q10 - Who is your current Mobile Parking Supplier/Suppliers?

A: RingGo

Q11 - Which year did you award your current contract/s to your App supplier/s?

A: 2020

Q12 - When is your current Mobile parking App Due to expire?

A: Sept 2024

Q13 - Is there a convenience charge to the end user for paying by App? If so, please specify the charge?

A: Yes - 20p inc VAT

Q14 missing off request

Parking Revenue/Transactions (Financial Year 2022 - 2023)

Q15 - What was the Total Parking revenue for the last financial year (2022 - 2023)?

A: Total parking income 1,643,711

Q16 - What was the annual revenue from PCN's issued during that financial year?

A: Income from PCN's £665,993

Q17 - What was the annual revenue from Pay and Display Machines (2022-2023)?

A: Car parks = 480,103 on street pay and display = 385,158

Q18 - What is the a) Total coin Revenue and b) total card revenue (2022 - 2023)?

A: Cash 1717036.05 -

Card 1620514.70 -

Q19 - What was the annual revenue from the cashless Mobile parking App (2022 - 2023)?

A: 142401

Q20 - How many transactions were made at the Pay & display Machines (2022 - 2023)?

A: 1376471

Q21 - How many transactions were made via Mobile Parking App in 2022 - 2023

A: 44387

Q22 - How many PCN's were issued in 2022 - 2023

A: 21995

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