FOI release

Implementation of the 'No Mow May' scheme

Case reference FOI2022/00212

Published 10 March 2022


a) Has your council heard of the scheme 'No Mow May' - (designed by the wild plant conservation charity Plantlife?)

b) Has your council implemented this scheme? If so, how?

c) Has the scheme been promoted? If so, how?

d) If you haven't implemented the scheme - did you consider it and what were your reasons for not doing so?


a) Has your council heard of the scheme 'No Mow May' - (designed by the wild plant conservation charity Plantlife?)


b) Has your council implemented this scheme? If so, how?

No, however, the council has implemented a similar initiative where identified areas are left to grow wild. We look to identify areas of highway verge to reduce to one cut per year to promote the biodiversity and wild flowers in the county's highway verges.

c) Has the scheme been promoted? If so, how?


d) If you haven't implemented the scheme - did you consider it and what were your reasons for not doing so?

No, the council has not head of this particular scheme.


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