FOI release

Community led housing

Case reference FOI2021/00197

Published 7 December 2021


1. Does the council have any policies or ones in development to support community led housing? If so, what are they and where do they appear?

2. Since January 2010, how many grants and/or loans has the council given to community led housing groups or organisations?

3. Since January 2010, how many land disposals or leases has the council made to community led housing groups or organisations?

4. Do you have dedicated staff to support community led housing? If so, what are their job titles?


Does the council have any policies or ones in development to support community led housing? If so, what are they and where do they appear?

There are no specific policies within the current Core Strategy but the Core Strategy is under review and will be looking to include and change policies, this could include community led housing. The Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) dated June 2021 does refer to community led housing in brief on page 15, please see the following link:

Since January 2010, how many grants and/or loans has the council given to community led housing groups or organisations?


Since January 2010, how many land disposals or leases has the council made to community led housing groups or organisations?


Do you have dedicated staff to support community led housing? If so, what are their job titles?

The Housing Development Officers support the community led housing.


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