FOI release

Christmas Lights costs and plans 2018 - 2022

Case reference FOI2022/01506

Published 1 November 2022


Please provide data showing:

- As separate figures, the anticipated cost of Christmas lights, Christmas trees and other Christmas decorations for the Christmas period starting this year.

- Please also provide the actual cost of Christmas lights, trees and other decorations for each annual Christmas period from 2018 up until the most recent date available.

- Anticipated energy consumption for Christmas lights for the Christmas period starting this year, as well as actual consumption for each Christmas period from 2018 up until the most recent date available.

- The daily schedule for Christmas light activity, for this Christmas period and for each annual Christmas period from 2018 up until the most recent date available.

- Will you or have you cancelled any switch-on events this year? If yes, please provide the reason(s) for cancellation.


As separate figures, the anticipated cost of Christmas lights, Christmas trees and other Christmas decorations for the Christmas period starting this year.

Herefordshire Council is not anticipating spending any monies on Christmas lights, trees or other decorations this Christmas. The lights / trees / decorations in the market towns in Herefordshire are the responsibility of the relevant town councils, and to obtain this information you would need to contact them direct as follows:

Bromyard -

Kington -

Ledbury -

Leominster -

Ross on Wye -

The lights / trees / decorations in Hereford City are either the responsibility of the City Council or are privately owned. To obtain details of those organised by the City Council you will need to contact them direct via:

Herefordshire Council does own and run the Maylords Centre, Hereford but any lights / trees / decorations in the centre are paid for by the centre tenants not the local authority.

Please also provide the actual cost of Christmas lights, trees and other decorations for each annual Christmas period from 2018 up until the most recent date available.

£0.00 in each of the years in question.

As explained in response to Question 1, for details of the costs of Christmas lights, trees and other decorations in the market towns and Hereford City you will need to contact the relevant councils direct.

Herefordshire Council has owned and operated the Maylord Centre since 2020, but the costs of the Christmas lights, trees and decorations in 2020 and 2021 were met by the centre tenants not the council.

Anticipated energy consumption for Christmas lights for the Christmas period starting this year, as well as actual consumption for each Christmas period from 2018 up until the most recent date available.

Details of anticipated energy consumption for the Christmas lights in the Maylord Centre this year are not held. As explained above, the council has owned and operated the centre since 2020, but the consumption for the 2020 and 2021 Christmas periods are not held. We are unable to separate out the energy consumption for the lights from the other energy costs / consumption in running the centre.

Regarding the anticipated energy consumption for the Christmas lights this year and the actual consumption in previous years in the market towns and Hereford City you will need to contact the relevant councils direct via the contact details provided above.

The daily schedule for Christmas light activity, for this Christmas period and for each annual Christmas period from 2018 up until the most recent date available.

Please can you clarify what you mean by 'daily schedule for Christmas light activity'? A response to this question will be suspended pending this clarification. Please note that the council is not responsible for any Christmas light activity in the market towns or Hereford City. To obtain details about activity there you will need to contact the relevant councils direct.

Will you or have you cancelled any switch-on events this year? If yes, please provide the reason(s) for cancellation.

Herefordshire Council is not / has not cancelled any switch on events this year, but as explained above, to obtain details of any cancellations in the market towns or Hereford City you will need to contact the relevant council direct.


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