FOI release

Expanded Retail relief for recruitment agencies

Case reference FOI2022/00288

Published 16 March 2022


Under the Freedom of information act of 2000, could you please provide Information on any Recruitment agency that is not in receipt of expanded Retail relief for the 2021/22 rates year. Could I please ask that the information given includes the company name and address


Herefordshire Council is unable to determine which businesses are recruitment agencies from the details we hold. Our database records the liable parties names, but we are not required to know or record for Business Rates administration the precise activity which is taking place at those premises. We do hold details of some business types e.g. school, factory, office, etc. but would not be able to determine whether or not the business was a recruitment agency. Please note that even if the information on recruitment agencies was held we would consider details of any expanded retail relief a named business may be in receipt of to be exempt under Section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000


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