FOI release

Information regarding Clinical Waste contracts

Case reference FOI2023/01498

Published 9 October 2023


For clarification the Requester requires information regarding clinical waste that Herefordshire Council collects from both council buildings and households.

1. Who is your provider for clinical waste collection and disposal?

2. Who is the contact for the council that manages the clinical waste contracts?

3. What is the contract term and expiry date?

4. When and how is the contract likely to be renewed or come to market?

5. Do you use a framework or your own tender etc?

6. What is your current annual spend on clinical waste?

7. Please provide contact details for the Procurement lead for the waste contracts

8. Please provide the contact details for the Sustainability lead for the council.

9. What is the current annual tonnage of clinical waste?

10. What is the current waste split across Alternative Treatment, Incineration and Offensive waste for the council?


For clarification the Requester requires information regarding clinical waste that Herefordshire Council collects from both council buildings and households.

1. Who is your provider for clinical waste collection and disposal?


Collections from households are made on our behalf by FCC Environment Ltd.

Tradebe Healthcare National Ltd dispose of the collected household clinical waste.

Council Buildings

PHS Group

2. Who is the contact for the council that manages the clinical waste contracts?


Nicola Percival

Council Buildings

Hoople Ltd

3. What is the contract term and expiry date?


FCC - 7 year plus 7 year (with extension options) - 31/8/2024

Tradebe - 1 year (with extension option) - 02/06/2024

Council Buildings

2 years + 1 Year extension - started 01/07/2022; ending 30/06/2024 or 30/06/2025 if contract is extended.

4. When and how is the contract likely to be renewed or come to market?


The contract with FCC is part of county's waste collection contract which is currently out to tender.

Disposal of clinical waste will be part of the responsibility of our new waste collection service contractor under the terms of the contract which is currently out to tender.

Council Buildings

Review date will be March 2024

5. Do you use a framework or your own tender etc?



Council Buildings


6. What is your current annual spend on clinical waste?



Council Buildings


7. Please provide contact details for the Procurement lead for the waste contracts


Ben Boswell


Council Buildings

GianCarlo Paganuzzi


8. Please provide the contact details for the Sustainability lead for the council.

Richard Vaughan


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9. What is the current annual tonnage of clinical waste?


13.602 tonnes

Council Buildings

Approx 13,329kg

10. What is the current waste split across Alternative Treatment, Incineration and Offensive waste for the council?


The disposal of the clinical waste collected from Herefordshire Council in 2022-23 was:

10.559 tonnes - Landfill (offensive)

3.043 tonnes - EfW (Hazardous)

In 2023-24 disposal methods will include Autoclave, Incineration and Landfill due to the change of supplier to Tradebe but we are unable to report on the figures as yet.

Council Buildings

Alternative Treatment: 762kg;


Energy from waste: 12,522kg;


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