FOI release

Oracle contract

Case reference FOI2022/01133

Published 7 September 2022


I would like to make a request for the following information relating to your live contract(s) with Oracle.

If the contract(s) has been replaced, please confirm the details for the new supplier and the name of the supplier who's taken over the service.

For each contract, please confirm the following:

Q1. What services are included in the contract? (e.g. maintenance of Oracle 12, SAP ECC)

Q2. What's the total value of the agreement?

Q3. When was it awarded?

Q4. When will the contract expire? If there are potential extensions, please confirm this.

Q5. What department manages the contract?

Q6. Who's the decision-maker and their contact details?

Q7. Any documentation you can provide, e.g. the order form

Q8. What was the procurement route taken? If via a framework or DPS, which one?


Q1. What services are included in the contract? (e.g. maintenance of Oracle 12, SAP ECC)

A. FME Database Fixed Maintenance & Standard Support.

Q2. What's the total value of the agreement?

A. £1,140 per annum.

Q3. When was it awarded?

A. 31 March 2022.

Q4. When will the contract expire? If there are potential extensions, please confirm this.

A. 30 March 2023.

Q5. What department manages the contract?

A. Hoople Ltd manage this contract.

Q6. Who's the decision-maker and their contact details?

A. Any enquiries can be emailed to the ICT contracts team at

Q7. Any documentation you can provide, e.g. the order form

A. Documentation requested is not held by Herefordshire Council.

Q8. What was the procurement route taken? If via a framework or DPS, which one?

A. Quotation process in accordance with the Council's Contract Procedure Rules.

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