FOI release


Case reference FOI2022/00258

Published 1 April 2022


Q1. How does the council define rewilding?

Q2. Do you have any current or planned policies/initiatives on rewilding? If yes, can you provide details of these?

Q3. Have you set aside any budget or funding for rewilding?


Q1. The Council doesn't have a formal definition of rewilding, although rewilding is a form of ecological restoration where existing activity is stopped on an area and it is left to nature.

Q2. The Council did consider rewilding/re-purposing as a potential complimentary solution to our integrated wetlands project in order to reduce phosphate pollution in the River Lugg catchment area, however this was discounted as this offered significantly less phosphate reduction than developing integrated wetlands.

The Council does however have a number of areas within the public realm where we are piloting reduced grass cutting and the introduction of natural meadows to improve biodiversity.

Q3. The Council does not currently have any dedicated budget or funding for rewilding.


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