FOI release

Data on reported accidents at children's playgrounds

Case reference FOI2022/01036

Published 24 August 2022


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information which relates to reported accidents at children's playgrounds covered by your jurisdiction.

Please may you provide me with data on:

· The number of children's playgrounds in your area in 2022

· The number of accidents reported at children's playgrounds in your area in 2022 so far, 2021, 2020 and 2019

· The name of the playground where the most reported accidents have occurred in this timeframe (and total number between 2022 and 2019 here)

· The number of complaints made in relation to the safety of equipment at playgrounds in your area in 2022 so far, 2021, 2020 and 2019

· The name of the playground which has received the most complaints in relation to the safety of its equipment, in this timeframe (and total number between 2022 and 2019 here)

· Any details on playground closures or equipment that has been removed due to safety complaints or reported accidents since 2019

Please provide the information in the attached spreadsheet.


Please see the attached spreadsheet. Please note that the Service Area do not log that an 'accident' has occurred and therefore this information is not held. We log the issue e.g. broken / damaged equipment, hole in ground, missing swing seat, etc. to action a report or make it safe. The number of times such issues have been logged are provided in the attached spreadsheet.


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