FOI release

Special Educational Needs provision 2019-2023

Case reference FOI2023/00826

Published 5 June 2023


Freedom of Information Request about Special Educational Needs provision in Herefordshire:

1. Please provide a breakdown of the number of children (0-25), first, who have been diagnosed with SEN, and, second, who have got an EHCP, living and studying in your local authority for the last 5 years, split by:

a. Primary need

b. Age group (e.g. 0-4, 5-11, 12-18, 19-25)

c. School type attending (e.g. mainstream state, maintained special, non-maintained special, mainstream private, special private etc),

d. This is a subset of the above point but please could you specifically provide the number of children (age 0-25) with an EHCP and a primary need of SEMH or ASD who attend independent special schools

2. Please provide the following details of any changes in capacity of SEND provision (e.g. school openings, expansions, closures etc) in your local authority over the last 12 months (state and private) for young people aged 0-25

a. Name of school

b. Location of site

c. The old capacity and the new capacity

d. The new planned day pupil places

e. The new planned residential pupil places

f. The planned pupil age range

g. The type of SEND acuity/acuities it will cater for

h. The approximate planned opening date

i. The name of the Trust/organisation that will run the school

3. Please provide the following details, if known, of any planned changes to the capacity of SEND provision (e.g. school openings, expansions, closures etc) in your local authority over the next 4 years (state and private) for young people aged 0-25.

a. Name of school

b. Location of site

c. The old capacity and the new capacity

d. The new planned day pupil places

e. The new planned residential pupil places

f. The planned pupil age range

g. The type of SEND acuity/acuities it will cater for

h. The approximate planned opening date

i. The name of the Trust/organisation that will run the school

4. If your local authority has made any internal projections of future numbers of young people aged 0-25 with EHCPs in the local authority, please provide can you provide them (if possible split by primary need).

5. If available, please provide the total level of annual EHCP funding for young people aged 0-25 whose primary needs are either SEMH or ASD/ASC over the last 5 years in your local authority, if possible split by funding for SEMH and funding for ASD


Please see attached document.


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