FOI release

Administration staff responsible for HMO licensing

Case reference FOI2024/01062

Received 19 June 2024

Published 3 July 2024


I am contacting you to request some information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. To help you with this request I will outline my query as specifically as possible:-

1. How many administration staff members within the authority are responsible for HMO licensing in the 3 schemes - Mandatory, Selective and Additional licensing?

2. How many days per week are spent on admin for the above three licensing schemes?

I am not requesting any personal details of individual staff, just the number of admin staff that have responsibilities in these particular HMO licensing schemes.


I am contacting you to request some information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. To help you with this request I will outline my query as specifically as possible:-

1. How many administration staff members within the authority are responsible for HMO licensing in the 3 schemes - Mandatory, Selective and Additional licensing?

A) Mandatory licensing only – 1 member of staff.

2. How many days per week are spent on admin for the above three licensing schemes?

A) Mandatory licensing only – half a day per week.

I am not requesting any personal details of individual staff, just the number of admin staff that have responsibilities in these particular HMO licensing schemes.


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