FOI release

Adult Social Care systems

Case reference FOI2022/00786

Published 13 July 2022


1. What case management system do you use for adult social care?

2. When is the contract for the case management system up for renewal?

3. Please provide the please provide name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for the Adults Case Management System within your organisation

4. Do you have a web-based directory of services/eMarketplace for adult social care?

E-market is defined as an online electronic directory of care and support services that citizens can access to find / purchase services.

5. Is this directory / eMarketplace developed in-house or by an external provider?

6. If an external provider please provide the name of the supplier?

7. If an external provider please provide the renewal date for the contract

8. What is the annual support cost for your directory/eMarketplace?

9. Are there any plans to review provision of your directory / Marketplace?

10. Please provide the name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for the directory / eMarketplace within your organisation

11. Who oversees the management of personal budgets and direct payments and integrated personal budgets and what are their contact details? - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

12. Does the LA support the administration, delivery and or/management of Personal health budgets and if so who is the contact at the LA about this and their contact details? - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

13. Who oversees the provision of personal assistants and what are their contact details? - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

14. Does the LA use digital solutions to assist with the delivery and budget management of personal budgets, direct payments or integrated budgets?

15. If yes, what system is used and who is the provider and when is contract expiry due?

16. If no, is this something that you are considering and who in the LA is the person to contact about this and what are their contact details? - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

17. Who is the current Director of Finance for ASC within the LA and what are their contact details i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

18. Who is the Integrated Services lead at the LA and what are their contact details - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) Integrated Services is defined as health and social care working together.

19. Is there a Transformation Manager or Personalisation Lead or similar role? If yes please provide job title, name(s), email(s) address?


1. What case management system do you use for adult social care?


2. When is the contract for the case management system up for renewal?

The initial contract term is until 30 September 2024. If the extension period is utilised the contract will be due for renewal 30 September 2026.

3. Please provide the please provide name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for the Adults Case Management System within your organisation

This is outsourced to Hoople Ltd who manage ICT on the council's behalf. They can be contacted via

4. Do you have a web-based directory of services/eMarketplace for adult social care?

E-market is defined as an online electronic directory of care and support services that citizens can access to find / purchase services.

We have a web-based directory of community services, groups and information available for all people in Herefordshire to access, not specifically for adults' social care.

5. Is this directory / eMarketplace developed in-house or by an external provider?

External provider.

6. If an external provider please provide the name of the supplier?

Public Partnerships / PPL UK

7. If an external provider please provide the renewal date for the contract

31 May 2023

8. What is the annual support cost for your directory/eMarketplace?

£30,225 for provision of web hosting, maintenance, higher level customer support, development and design functions for the Talk Community directory.

9. Are there any plans to review provision of your directory / Marketplace?

Yes, we are currently reviewing our website directory offer. This includes running a survey and engagement website workshops as a way to gain feedback on what needs improving.

10. Please provide the name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s) of the individual responsible for the directory / eMarketplace within your organisation

Amy Pitt - Service Director Communities


Telephone number: 01432 383758

Kelly Watts - Talk Community Digital & Engagement Lead


Telephone number: 01432 261637

11. Who oversees the management of personal budgets and direct payments and integrated personal budgets and what are their contact details? - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

Susie Binns - telephone: 01432 261830 oversees monitoring of direct payment spend and management of surplus funds.

12. Does the LA support the administration, delivery and or/management of Personal health budgets and if so who is the contact at the LA about this and their contact details? - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

There are joint funding arrangements with health and some legacy arrangements for personal health budgets (approximately 10 cases). The contact details for funding are:

Kim Wratten


Telephone: 01432 383128

13. Who oversees the provision of personal assistants and what are their contact details? - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

Direct payment support providers. Please see the following link for contact details:

Direct payments and personal budgets - Herefordshire Council

14. Does the LA use digital solutions to assist with the delivery and budget management of personal budgets, direct payments or integrated budgets?


15. If yes, what system is used and who is the provider and when is contract expiry due?

EML card system for direct payments.

16. If no, is this something that you are considering and who in the LA is the person to contact about this and what are their contact details? - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

N / A

17. Who is the current Director of Finance for ASC within the LA and what are their contact details i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

The Finance Manager for Adult social care is Kim Wratten


Telephone: 01432 383128

The Director of Finance covers the whole of the council.

18. Who is the Integrated Services lead at the LA and what are their contact details - i.e. name(s), email(s) and telephone number(s)

Integrated Services is defined as health and social care working together.

Sarah Parry


Telephone: 01432 383106

19. Is there a Transformation Manager or Personalisation Lead or similar role? If yes please provide job title, name(s), email(s) address?

Sue Matthews - Practice Standards Lead, Community Wellbeing


Michelle Lewton-Jones - Head of Business Delivery & Practice Improvements, Community Wellbeing


Ruth Goldwater - Workforce Development Lead, Community Wellbeing


Helun Sandifort - Portfolio Manager, Corporate Services


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