FOI release

Consultation regarding proposed waste changes

Case reference FOI2022/00302

Published 8 April 2022


Proposed changes to the rubbish collections planned for 2023. My neighbour had just spotted this on your website and alerted me. No one has been consulted about these proposed changes. I note that you state that over 3,000 households were consulted.

Q1a I wish to be informed how these households were chosen?

Q1b. Was it a stratified or random sample?

Q2. What proportion of respondents were urban or rural residents?

Q3. What proportion were single occupancy households?

Q4. Where different age groups interviewed.

Q5. What was the geographic spread of the respondents?

Q6. What was the percentage of households interviewed compared with the total households in Herefordshire?


A1a The consultation was open to all households and businesses in Herefordshire. It was carried out by MEL Research and was available on their website from 7th December 2020 to 7th February 2021. The consultation was promoted via the council website, social media pages and "other media publications" including the Hereford Times newspaper. There was also "a representative sample of residents" that were emailed.

A1b A copy of the report on the outcome of the consultation is available via the below link

A2. 46% Urban and 54% Rural

A3. 29% were single occupancy households

A4. The age groups that completed the consultation were - 16-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64 & 65+

A5. A map of the geographical spread of the respondents is available on page 45 of the consultation report

A6. 3,498 residents completed the public consultation, which was just over 4% of the households in Herefordshire at the time the survey closed.


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