FOI release

Chief data officer details and number of enquiries

Case reference FOI2022/00038

Published 26 January 2022


1. Do you currently employ a Chief Data Officer in your Local Authority? (if yes go to Q2, if no go to Q5) 2. Is this person male / female? 3. If yes, What is the salary range for this post? 4. Who does the Chief Data Officer report to? 5. If no, Is this something you will be considering in the next 3 years? 6. Do you believe the demand for data insight and analysis has increased in your Local Authority since the start of the Covid Pandemic? [ ] Significant Increase [ ] Increased [ ] Remained the same [ ] Decreased [ ] Significant Decrease 7. Do you believe the demand for data insight and analysis within your organisation is currently at its highest level? [ ] Yes [ ] No 8. Please complete the table below relating to the number of enquiries for all Council services received via the following methods for the period 1st April - 31st March Financial year Website / Webform Mobile App Telephone / Call-centre 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-to date 9. What is the job title of the person responsible for data governance in your local authority? 10. What is the job title of the person responsible for the data strategy in your local authority? 11. Do you agree/disagree with the statement "Data is the local authorities most valuable asset"? [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree 12. Do you agree/disagree with the statement "The speed of being able to carry out data analysis will become more important over the next 18 months?" [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree ​


1. Do you currently employ a Chief Data Officer in your Local Authority? (if yes go to Q2, if no go to Q5)

A. No, we don't employ a Chief Data Officer

2. Is this person male / female?
3. If yes, What is the salary range for this post?
4. Who does the Chief Data Officer report to?

A. Not applicable

5. If no, Is this something you will be considering in the next 3 years?

A. There are currently no plans to do so.

6. Do you believe the demand for data insight and analysis has increased in your Local Authority since the start of the Covid Pandemic?

[ x] Significant Increase
[ ] Increased
[ ] Remained the same
[ ] Decreased
[ ] Significant Decrease

7. Do you believe the demand for data insight and analysis within your organisation is currently at its highest level?
[x ] Yes
[ ] No

8. Please complete the table below relating to the number of enquiries for all Council services received via the following methods for the period 1st April - 31st March
Financial year

Website / Webform
Mobile App
Telephone / Call-centre
2021-to date

A. Please see below

Telephone / Call-centre

External incoming calls to HC phone extensions

2017-2018 data not available

2018-2019 298622 (data only starts from 1/11/2018)

2019-2020 433494

2020-2021 344748

2021-to date (17-1-2022) 268449

External incoming calls to HC Call Centres

2017-2018 104243

2018-2019 101627

2019-2020 103847

2020-2021 100806

2021- 17.01.22 87119 Please note: The number of calls to the call centres is also included in the total number of incoming calls to extensions. Some data is not available from the system that records stats for the extensions, as we had a software upgrade.

Web forms

Financial year Webforms
17 / 18 32813
18 / 19 43590
19 / 20 52238
20 / 21 59592
21 / 22 43837

Web Apps:
20 / 21 1458
21 / 22 1094

Please note, we had no Web Apps before 20/21.

9. What is the job title of the person responsible for data governance in your local authority?

A. Service Director Corporate Services

10. What is the job title of the person responsible for the data strategy in your local authority?

A. Head of Performance

11. Do you agree/disagree with the statement "Data is the local authorities most valuable asset"?
[ ] Agree
[ x] Disagree

12. Do you agree/disagree with the statement "The speed of being able to carry out data analysis will become more important over the next 18 months?"
[x ] Agree
[ ] Disagree


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