FOI release

Food sampling of honey

Case reference FOI2022/00012

Published 28 January 2022


Q1. How many honey samples has your Authority taken in the past few years If samples were taken, then

Q2. How many were formal and how many were informal?

Q3. Was this part of a programme or a one off?

Q4. Did the results of analysis lead to further action, if so, briefly what (investigation, prosecution etc)

Q5. If no samples were taken, then in the light of the current concerns about Honey Fraud, are you planning to undertake any sampling of Honey in the future?

Q6. Is sampling planned in the future?

Q7. Are there any baulks to sampling - financial, staffing, etc?


Q1. No samples have been taken since 1/1/2018.

Q2. N/A.

Q3. N/A.

Q4. N/A.

Q5. A decision would be made depending on the information received.

Q6. A decision would be made depending on the information received.

Q7. Trading Standards does not just carry out honey sampling as it has a very wide remit in regard to consumer protection, and therefore all matters have to be prioritised within the budget that is set for the team.


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