FOI release

Dog Breeding Licence Information for 2023

Case reference FOI2024/00868

Published 22 May 2024


Following up on our previous correspondence in Q1 2023 regarding dog breeding licence protocols within your authority, we are reaching out again to request further information to complete our data for the entire year of 2023. This continued engagement aims to enhance our understanding and ensure our records are as current and comprehensive as possible. We kindly request the following additional information:

1. Number of Licensed Breeders: The total number of licensed breeders within your authority as of the end of 2023.

2. Licence Applications and Approvals for 2023:

- The number of new licence applications received in 2023.

- The number of new licences approved in 2023.

- The number of licence renewal applications received in 2023.

- The number of licence renewals approved in 2023.

3. Inspections:

- The total number of inspections undertaken in 2023.

4. Licence Revocations:

- Details of any licences that were revoked during 2023, including the reasons for revocation.

5. Complaints:

- The number of complaints received in 2023 related to licensed breeders.

- The nature of these complaints and any subsequent actions taken.

6. Litters Recorded:

- The total number of litters and puppies in each litter recorded by each licence holder in 2023.


Following up on our previous correspondence in Q1 2023 regarding dog breeding licence protocols within your authority, we are reaching out again to request further information to complete our data for the entire year of 2023. This continued engagement aims to enhance our understanding and ensure our records are as current and comprehensive as possible. We kindly request the following additional information:

1. Number of Licensed Breeders: The total number of licensed breeders within your authority as of the end of 2023.


2. Licence Applications and Approvals for 2023:

- The number of new licence applications received in 2023.


- The number of new licences approved in 2023.


- The number of licence renewal applications received in 2023.


- The number of licence renewals approved in 2023.


3. Inspections:

- The total number of inspections undertaken in 2023.


4. Licence Revocations:

- Details of any licences that were revoked during 2023, including the reasons for revocation.


5. Complaints:

- The number of complaints received in 2023 related to licensed breeders.


- The nature of these complaints and any subsequent actions taken.

Complaint was relating to the breeder advertising puppies for sale in another county. The matter was investigated, breeder had moved out of the county. A licence was obtained from the relevant Local Authority in the new county and the licence with Herefordshire Council was surrendered.

6. Litters Recorded:

- The total number of litters and puppies in each litter recorded by each licence holder in 2023.

This information is not held by the Local Authority.


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