FOI release

Wind Energy Development Plans

Case reference EIR2022/01305

Published 3 October 2022


Q1. Does the council have a Local Plan, which has been developed and/or updated in the past seven years (i.e. from January 2016 to date)?

Q2. Has any area(s) been identified as suitable for wind energy development in the latest Local Plan?

Q3. Has the council explicitly considered and has been unable to identify a suitable area for wind energy development in the latest Local Plan?

Q4. Does the council have a Neighbourhood Plan(s), which has been developed and/or updated in the past seven years (i.e. from January 2016 to date)?

Q5. Has any area(s) been identified as suitable for wind energy development in the latest Neighbourhood Plan?

Q6. Has the council explicitly considered and has been unable to identify a suitable area for wind energy development in the latest Neighbourhood Plan?

Q7. Please confirm how many (if any) onshore wind farm applications have been granted planning approval by the local authority during the past seven years (i.e. January 2016 to date)?

Q8. Please confirm how many (if any) solar farm (i.e. large-scale ground-mounted solar PV system) applications have been granted planning approval by the local authority during the past seven years (i.e. January 2016 to date)?

Q9. Further, can you kindly provide a copy of the latest (a) Local Plan and (b) Neighbourhood Plan and (c) confirm which sections (or pages) relate to the identification (or non-identification) of suitable areas for wind energy development?


Q1. Does the council have a Local Plan, which has been developed and/or updated in the past seven years (i.e. from January 2016 to date)?

The Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy was adopted in October 2015.

Q2. Has any area(s) been identified as suitable for wind energy development in the latest Local Plan?


Q3. Has the council explicitly considered and has been unable to identify a suitable area for wind energy development in the latest Local Plan?

The adopted Local Plan did not explicitly consider the identification of an area for wind energy.

Q4. Does the council have a Neighbourhood Plan(s), which has been developed and/or updated in the past seven years (i.e. from January 2016 to date)?

Yes - There have been 103 Neighbourhood Plans developed since January 2016.

Q5. Has any area(s) been identified as suitable for wind energy development in the latest Neighbourhood Plan?

No specific areas are identified in the Neighbourhood Plans for wind energy. There is an allocation for a solar site in Burghill Neighbourhood Plan.

Q6. Has the council explicitly considered and has been unable to identify a suitable area for wind energy development in the latest Neighbourhood Plan?


Q7. Please confirm how many (if any) onshore wind farm applications have been granted planning approval by the local authority during the past seven years (i.e. January 2016 to date)?


Q8. Please confirm how many (if any) solar farm (i.e. large-scale ground-mounted solar PV system) applications have been granted planning approval by the local authority during the past seven years (i.e. January 2016 to date)?


Q9. Further, can you kindly provide a copy of the latest (a) Local Plan and (b) Neighbourhood Plan and (c) confirm which sections (or pages) relate to the identification (or non-identification) of suitable areas for wind energy development?

a) Adopted Core Strategy -

b) Neighbourhood Development Plans -

c) There are no specific identified areas suitable for wind within these documents.


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