FOI release


Case reference FOI2021/00037

Published 2 November 2021


Q1. Do you provide community information videos which are accessible to British Sign Language users or the Deaf Community in general?

Q2. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this?

Q3. Do you provide communication support for Deaf Employees?

Q4. What is the name, job title, department and email address of the individual/s responsible for this?


Q1. Videos that we produce or commission ourselves fulfil the required WCAG2.1AA accessibility requirements for local authorities, being produced with sound and captions. This doesn't currently include producing British Sign Language versions as this comes under AAA standard, which isn't currently mandatory. More information on understanding accessibility requirements for public sector bodies can be found on the Government website via the following link:

Our policy is to provide alternative formats to all employees and members of the community on request. There is more information about our commitment to digital accessibility on the Herefordshire Council Website. Please follow the link below:

Q2. Name: Andie Jordan

Job Title: Digital Accessibility Officer

Department: Corporate Services

Email Address:

Q3. Yes, if any Deaf employee requires support we would consider this as a reasonable adjustment and make arrangements.

Q4. Name: Harriet Yellin

Job Title: Equality Officer

Department: Corporate Services

Email Address:

The Equality Officer would provide guidance on communication support, however individual managers are responsible for putting reasonable adjustments in place.

If you are a company intending to use the names and contact details of council officers provided in this response for direct marketing, you must be registered with the Information Commissioner to process personal data for this purpose. You must also check that the individual (whom you wish to contact for direct marketing purposes) is not registered with one of the preference services to prevent direct marketing. If they are you must adhere to this preference. You must also ensure you comply with the Privacy Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). For more information see

For the avoidance of doubt, the provision of individual names and contact details under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not give consent to receive direct marketing via any media and expressly does not constitute a 'soft opt-in' under PECR.


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