FOI release

Staff absence scheme for schools

Case reference FOI2022/01487

Published 24 October 2022


Staff absence scheme for schools. I write to request information regarding the Authority's staff absence scheme for schools. Please kindly provide the following:

  • Does the Authority provide a staff absence scheme for schools?
  • If no, has the authority historically provided a scheme for schools and when did this cease?
  • If yes, is the scheme outsourced to another provider or delivered by the Authority?
  • If the scheme if outsourced to another provider, which provider is this and when does this agreement expire? Who is responsible for the management of the scheme within the Authority?

If the scheme is provided by the authority, can you please provide details of the scheme including:

  • Daily benefit amount reimbursed for each category of staff
  • Waiting period applied to each claim
  • Are there any exclusions to the scheme? If so, please provide details of this
  • Is the scheme open to Academies?
  • How is the price of the scheme determined for each school?
  • Who is responsible for the management of the scheme within the Authority?
  • Number of schools participating in the scheme
  • 2021 total contributions made to the scheme and 2021 total claims payments made from the scheme


Staff absence scheme for schools. I write to request information regarding the Authority's staff absence scheme for schools. Please kindly provide the following:

  • Does the Authority provide a staff absence scheme for schools?


  • If no, has the authority historically provided a scheme for schools and when did this cease?

Yes, ceasing in 2017/18

  • If yes, is the scheme outsourced to another provider or delivered by the Authority?

Not applicable

  • If the scheme if outsourced to another provider, which provider is this and when does this agreement expire? Who is responsible for the management of the scheme within the Authority?

Not applicable

If the scheme is provided by the authority, can you please provide details of the scheme including:

  • Daily benefit amount reimbursed for each category of staff

Not applicable

  • Waiting period applied to each claim

Not applicable

  • Are there any exclusions to the scheme? If so, please provide details of this

Not applicable

  • Is the scheme open to Academies?

Not applicable

  • How is the price of the scheme determined for each school?

Not applicable

  • Who is responsible for the management of the scheme within the Authority?

Not applicable

  • Number of schools participating in the scheme

Not applicable

  • 2021 total contributions made to the scheme and 2021 total claims payments made from the scheme

Not applicable


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