FOI release

Number of time Wilton Lane, Ross-on-Wye has been closed due to flooding last five years

Case reference FOI2024/00038

Published 22 January 2024


I would like to know how many times Wilton Lane, Ross-on-Wye HR9 6AH has been closed for flooding over the last five years, on a year-by-year basis if possible.


I would like to know how many times Wilton Lane, Ross-on-Wye HR9 6AH has been closed for flooding over the last five years, on a year-by-year basis if possible.

The Service Area have confirmed that Wilton Lane has been closed 3 times due to flooding in the last five years. They are the only 3 permits/notices submitted by Balfour Beatty Living Places (BBLP) on this road.

Below is a list of times that we have received a permit (for road closure) for flooding on Wilton Lane:

FL01041143151 - between the 25/01/18 - 26/01/18

FL01030009116 - between the 16/01/23 - 22/01/23

FL01087954071 - between the 02/01/24 - 09/01/24


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