FOI release

Adults with learning disabilities in residential care - June 2023

Case reference FOI2023/00957

Published 22 June 2023


Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the following information regarding adult learning disability services. Where possible, please kindly include responses on the attached Excel spreadsheet.

1. Please could you supply the name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for learning disabilities placements? For questions 2 to 6, please supply this information as a snapshot at the end of the year for the financial years 2022/23 and the most up to date snapshot available for 2023/24.

2. Please provide the total number of adults with learning disabilities funded by the Local Authority in residential care.

3. Of the total number of adults with learning disabilities funded by the Local Authority in residential care (q.2) please provide the number that are in 'in area' placements and the number that are in 'out of area' placements.

4. Please provide the total number of adults with learning disabilities funded by the Local Authority in supported living.

5. Please provide the number of adults with learning disabilities who transitioned from children's learning disabilities services into adult's services - in total, into adult residential care services only, and into adult supported living services only.

6. Please provide the number of adults with learning disabilities who 'stepped down' from specialist inpatient hospital placements into adult residential care and supported living services.

7. Please provide the local authority's total expenditure on residential care and supported living for adults with learning disabilities for the financial year 2022/23, and budgeted expenditure for 2023/24.

8. Please provide the highest, lowest, and average weekly rate paid by the Local Authority for residential care placements for adults with a learning disability for each of the financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24. If the Local Authority has weekly rate bands, please also provide these.

9. Please provide the highest, lowest, and average hourly rate paid by the Local Authority for supported living placements for adults with a learning disability for each of the financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24. If the Local Authority has hourly rate bands, please also provide these.


Please see attached spreadsheet.

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